Total E & P Nigeria Limited (TEPNG) is a leading Oil and Gas exploration and production Company. The company is in a growth phase, and as part of its expansion activities, welcomes applications from suitably qualified Nigerians for various positions within the company as detailed below: Positions 2.) Senior Piping/Mechanical Engineer 3.) Synthesis Geologist / Well Site Geologist 5.) Mechanical Engineer 6.) Instrumentation Engineer 9.) DCS Engineer 10.) Senior Well Performance Engineer 11.) Reservoir Geologist 12.) Reservoir Geophysicist 16.) Marine Superintendent 17.) Offshore Logistics Officer 18.) Rov Engineer
1.) Click on the position you are interested in to view details of the job description.
The advert closes on May 31, 2012. We will enter into correspondence only with short listed applicants. Applicants are hereby advised not to apply for more than ONE position, as doing so may result in automatic disqualification of the application. Similarly, Applicants who have written our Aptitude test in the past 24 months need not apply. |

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Friday, May 4, 2012