The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (JHU-CCP) seeks for experienced and qualified candidates to work in the position of a Program Director to work for the USAID-funded Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3)-Nigeria project. The overall goal of HC3-Nigeria is to support the Government of Nigeria (GoN), US government (USG) implementing partners, and local communication and behavior change professionals to design, produce and implement high quality, impactful social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions for malaria. In particular, HC3 is responsible for three key technical areas; 1.) Increasing capacity of the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) Advocacy, Communication, Social Mobilization (ACSM) unit to provide technical leadership in SBCC, 2.) increasing capacity of State ACSM units to provide technical leadership in SBCC in two or more states (Akwa Ibom and Kebbi, initially), and 3.) contributing to increased practice of key malaria preventive and treatment behaviors among caregivers of children under live, pregnant women, and the general population. In particular, HC3 will develop GoN structures that support effective SBCC through knowledge sharing, coordination, and technical leadership, while cultivating the capacity of local researchers and implementers to meet GoN needs in designing, production, implementation, and evaluation. JHU-CCP is recruiting to fill the position of: Job Position: Program Director Duration: One year with possible extension Terms of Employment: Contract Job Description Specific Responsibilities Primary duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to: Management and Supervision: Requirements Application Closing Date 1st April, 2014 How to Apply Interested and qualified candidates should submit a cover letter identifying the position you are interested in and provide Curriculum Vitae to: Note: Subject line must include: "HC3 Malaria Nigeria Hiring/(and position applying for)" (Only applicants who are short-listed will be contacted.)
Location: Abuja

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Sunday, March 23, 2014