Nigerian Army - Nigerian Army Short Service Combatant - SSC Commission 2013. Applications are invited from eligible Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Short Service Combatant (SSC) Commission officers. The SSC offers an excellent opportunity to young Nigerians who intend to have an experience in the Army without necessarily having to spend their entire career life in the Army. The SSC is open to both civilians and serving military personnel. SSC ENTRY REQUIREMENT All applicants must satisfy the following conditions:
CONDITIONS OF SERVICE SSC will be granted for 10 years. Six years will be on active list renewable thereafter for a period up to 3 years. No extension is admitted after the ninth year of commission except on conversion to regular combatant where applicable.
APPLICATION START DATE 25th March, 2013. The following will apply: a. All applications are to be made online. Application Fee is N2,500.00 b. To apply:
Print Out. Applicants are to complete the form online and upload all required documents stated in the general instructions. Applicants must print out their online generated photo-card on completion of their application. Successful applicants are required to present their printed photo-card to the selection board during the interview.
CLOSING DATE All applications must be submitted not later than the stipulated date. (Not Known Yet) FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, you may call 09-8734009 between 0900 and 1700hrs from Mondays to Fridays. You may also visit or |

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013