1.) In line with Mr. President's promise to mitigate the spate of youth unemployment in the country through the re-investment of the subsidy funds, the Federal Government has initiated the graduate Internship Scheme under the Social Safety net component of Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P). The ultimate goal is to reduce unemployment among graduates and stimulate economic growth, as part of priority transformation agenda of the current administrative, while also enhancing opportunities towards the attainment of Vision 2020. 2.) The scheme has the objective to create opportunities for unemployed graduates to be engaged for a period of one (1) year in reputable firms and institutions, to enable them acquire skills and experience and enhance their employability. The scheme would be a form of partnership with firms and institutions in which they get free labour and undertake to groom and mentor the interns to acquire skills on the job experience while government pays stipends to the interns. This will help equip graduates towards meeting the demands of employers in the current labour market. Interns would be deployed to firms and institutions in their areas of residence for convenience. 3.) Interns would be deployed according to the relevance of their discipline to the firms. This will not only improve manpower development but will also broaden the applicant's expertise. And these interns would be under close supervision for the period, to ensure dilligence. 4.) Eligibilty Criteria:
5.) How To Apply:
6.) Disclaimer:
7.) Further Enquiries: Phone: 09 - 2913452 09 - 2913454 08188480036 08105576779 Email: inquiries@wyesurep.gov.ng SEARCH FOR HIGH PAID JOBS HERE |

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Monday, September 3, 2012