SimbaNET is a full service, licensed, Data Communications Provider, specializing in the provision of high-speed data, voice and internet connectivity as well as e-governance solutions At Simba, we believe our greatest asset is our people. Developing this asset and nurturing our talent is fundamental to what we believe in. Right from our Mission Statement, to the way we conduct business, we believe in fostering an entrepreneurial environment – one where our team members are encouraged to think independently and act cohesively. Simba provides a platform to nurture the inherent entrepreneurial spirit in all of us. We are passionate about our work; we are dedicated to customer satisfaction; we treat each other with dignity and respect; we pride ourselves on being a desired location for young as well as experienced professionals seeking challenging and rewarding careers. If you are interested in our Groups' activities and are ready for a career experience that is enriching, challenging and rewarding, please send a copy of your CV and a covering letter to: For job related enquiries contact |

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Monday, January 16, 2012