Africare is a US-based NGO established in 1970, with projects in Nigeria since 1978. Africare currently has programs in 19 African countries, focusing on design and delivery of technical, training, service delivery and systems strengthening in the areas of health and HIV / AIDS, food security, natural resource management, water resource development, microenterprise development, civil society strengthening and good governance. The Promoting Initiative for Malaria Eradication (PRIME) project in Nigeria is a multi-year project in six states in the Niger Delta region. PRIME contributes to rapid and sustained scale-up of malaria control interventions for high impact. Project activities focus on increasing prompt and effective treatment of malaria using ACTs, scale-up of parasitological diagnosis of malaria; health systems strengthening for malaria prevention; treatment and control. The project works with private sector health services providers to ensure proper management and utilization of malaria drugs, test kits, and other commodities. 1.) State Project Officer (Rivers, Cross Rivers and Delta State) Position Description:
2.) Driver (Rivers, Cross River, and Delta State) Position Description:
Application Deadline 13th June, 2011 Submission of Applications: Please submit applications to: by 5:00pm, Monday; June 13, 2011. No calls or direct emails to staff will be accepted. Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Search for high paid jobs here |

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Sunday, June 5, 2011